Nurse's Office

School Nurse - Anaelisa Ramirez

Phone numbers:
P. 908.206.6104
F. 908.206.9282


email: [email protected]

If your child is ill, please keep them home from school and notify the school nurse. A child who is sick will not be able to perform well in school and is likely to spread the illness to other children and staff. Please have a plan in place for child care in case your child is too ill to attend school.
Please DO NOT send your child to school if they have or have had any of the following conditions:
  • fever within the past 24 hours
  • vomiting within the past 24 hours
  • diarrhea within the past 24 hours
  • chills, body aches or fatigue
  • severe sore throat
  • rash
  • strep throat- must be taking antibiotics for at least 24 hours prior to returning to school 
  • bad cold (upper respiratory infection) with a very runny nose or frequent cough especially if it has kept the child awake at night
  • head lice
  • eye infection must take antibiotics for at least 24 hours prior to returning to school 
It is essential that your child's school has a number where you can be reached during the day and an emergency number in the event you cannot be reached. If your child becomes ill at school, you will be called to take them home. Please ensure that there is someone to pick up your child from school within a half an hour of receiving a call from the school nurse.


Allergy and Anaphylaxis   Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan
 Asthma  Asthma Plan
 Medication orders  Medication Orders
 Seizure  Seizure action plan
 Universal child health record Universal Child Health Record


Per the NJ Department of health:
"To prevent some of the most serious infections, the New Jersey school immunization rules, Immunization of Pupils in Schools (N.J.A.C. 8:57-4) require students to receive a series of immunizations prior to attendance at school. In addition, schools are required to enforce requirements, maintain records, and submit annual reports to the state and their respective local health department."

follow this link to see the required immunizations for your child: NJ DOH Immunization Requirements

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